Workshop – Cost-effectiveness, risk-benefit and ethics assessment
In this workshop, held May 30-31, 2016, experts, scientists and SATORI-partners worked in groups with the six case studies: Science Academies, Research Ethics Committees, National Ethics Committees, Research Funding Organisations, Industry and EU governmental level ethics review.
The SATORI project already analyzed ethics assessment procedures across a range of stakeholder groups. The reports formed essential background material for the group work.
Here you can get an impression of the workshop:
Introduction to SATORI
Philip Brey, University of Twente, coordinator of the SATORI EU-project
Introduction to the measurement of impact of ethics assessment
Raija Koivistio, VVT
How to add value by using risk-benefit analysis in ethics assessment procedures
Dino Trescher, EUSJA
About SATORI project ambitions and organization
Erin Kenneally, Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
How society and science and technology are interrelated
Erich Griessler, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
About justifying cost investments in ethics to the public
Johannes Rath, University of Vienna