25 November 2016, 0930 -1330 GMT
Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, UK

The SATORI project will organise a half-day mutual-learning workshop with research funding organisations to discuss (a) Obstacles and challenges faced in ethics review/assessment of research and innovation and, (b) The SATORI ethics assessment framework: recommendations on ethics assessment procedures, and ethical impact assessment. The workshop will include a limited number of participants, 15-20, to allow for focused discussion. Research funders play a critical role in the shaping of good research, and supporting ethical research and innovation by: requiring ethics review and evaluation of research proposals prior to, or during the funding stages, and asking researchers to adhere to ethical standards – this workshop aims to support this role.
Who should attend: Research funding organisations (public or private sector, including research charities).
Limited spaces are still available. If you would like to attend, please email Rowena Rodrigues, Trilateral Research Ltd: rowena.rodrigues@trilateralresearch.com by Friday, 28 October 2016.